Dima Lantsevich / Book notes

Hell Yeah Or No by Derek Sivers #

Hell Yeah Or No by Derek Sivers book notes

My notes: #

Derek is so hard to quote, every sentence feels essential, and each page is written as tightly as possible, without any fluff.

So instead of quoting whole sections, I'll just provide direct links to my favorite parts of his book.

There are a total of 67 chapters in the book, these are my favorites:

Actions, not words, reveal our real values

Keep earning your title, or it expires

Character predicts your future

Why are you doing?

Imitate. We are imperfect mirrors.

Small actions change your self-identity (!)

Tilting my mirror (motivation is delicate)

Getting out of a bad state of mind (!)

There are always more than two options

Beware of advice “Aking advice should be like echolocation”

I assume I’m below average

Everything is my fault